Cognitive rehabilitation

Cognitive rehabilitation focuses primarily on restoring the affected function of the brain. We also try to make full use of cognitive functions that are still intact and teach you how to cope with limitations.

What is it?

Our body functions on signals from the brain. If an injury occurs here (brain infarction, bleeding, inflammation, trauma,...) it can cause other problems in addition to physical symptoms. A cognitive impairment is a disturbance in one or more cognitive functions. You don't always notice a problem right away but this can end up greatly interfering with your daily functioning. The problems can occur in the areas of:

  • Attention and concentration
  • Planning and execution
  • Memory and learning
  • Language
  • Orientation
  • Visual-spatial tasks
  • Understanding social situations
Uitleg patiënt aan bed


Complaints are identified through a conversation and/or examination. Your insight on the disease and your motivation are also assessed. These are important factors in recovery. Together we draw up a treatment plan in which the goals of yourself, your environment and the rehabilitation team are aligned. Each program is therefore unique. Our greatest goal is to allow you to maintain as much independence as possible in your daily life.

The multidisciplinary team consists of an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist and psychologist. Each has his specialization and is deployed as needed. The team is always under the supervision of a rehabilitation doctor. We involve your partner and/or family in the rehabilitation as much as possible.

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Most exercises help you cope with your impairment(s) in daily life. Compensation techniques are often taught to cope with the symptoms. Assistive devices may be used in this process if necessary. Repeating the rehabilitation exercises gives the best chance to relearn a skill. Therefore, you or your family may also be given assignments to do at home.

The caregivers involved meet weekly to discuss the evolution and adjust the treatment plan where necessary.

Common disorders

Conditions that often require cognitive rehabilitation:

Stroke (CVA)
Language disorders