Checklist: what do I bring to my appointment?

For everything to go smoothly, it's best to make sure you definitely have a few things with you when you come to your appointment. Use the checklist to make sure you don't forget anything.

For your enrollment

  • Electronic identity card (e-ID), KidsID, ISI+ card
  • Phone number or cell phone number
  • Name and address of your primary care physician
  • Name and address of the referring physician

Exceptional cases

In some cases, you will need additional information:

  • Are you coming for an expertise? Then you need a referral letter from the client.
  • Work accident
    • Name and address of employer
    • Name and address of insurance company
    • Date of accident
    • Claim number (if known)
    • Policy number
  • Security arrangement: if this applies to you please also bring your security arrangement from a CPAS or payment commitment from another guarantor agency.
  • Are you domiciled abroad? Then be sure to bring the following:
    • Insurance card or form E112 or guarantee declaration from your health insurance company
    • European Health Insurance Card

For the medical team

  • List of the medicines you are taking
  • Indication of any allergies
  • Medical documents at your disposal: referral letter, radiographs, lab results, vaccination card and blood group card