
Geriatrics or geriatric medicine aims to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate elderly and very elderly people.

geriatrische zorg

What can we help you with?

On our geriatric wards we treat diseases associated with aging or strongly influenced by the age of the patient. Typical for the geriatric patient is the occurrence of multiple diseases simultaneously and an atypical disease course.

Sint-Trudo Hospital has a very wide range of geriatric care with two acute nursing wards (D30 and Z3), an ortho-geriatric ward (I2) and a geriatric day hospital.


Because the elderly are often more frail and less likely to recover, illness can quickly lead to a loss of independence. Moreover, illness can have a major impact on social and psychological functioning. This is why the geriatric team consists of different disciplines, which are not only attentive to physical conditions, but also to other aspects of the patient's well-being. The multidisciplinary team is aimed at guaranteeing and strengthening the patient's quality of life and independence as much as possible.

The geriatric team consists of a geriatrician, nursing and care assistants, physiotherapist, speech therapist, psychologist, occupational therapist, dietician, social worker...


dr. Veronique Bulens

dr. Véronique Bulens

dr. Robert De Smet

dr. Robert De Smet

dr. Henk Joosen

dr. Henk Joosen

dr. Sven Martens

dr. Sven Martens


Head nurses of nursing departments

Luk Jansen hoofdverpleegkundige geriatrie

Luk Jansen

Griet Raeymaekers

Griet Raeymaekers

Jan Vanhaeren hoofdverpleegkundige geriatrie

Jan Vanhaeren

Head nurses day hospital

hoofdverpleegkundinge geriatrisch dagziekenhuis

Erika Cauberg

hoofdverpleegkundige G2

Floor Ruelens

Geriatric support team

Patients in whom we detect a geriatric risk profile will be screened by the geriatric support team. Based on the detected risks an advice will be formulated concerning the care and services for these patients in consultation with the geriatricians. If necessary, we involve additional paramedics to provide optimal care.


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