Internal surgery day hospital
Plan your appointment
What can we help you with?
The majority of patients come for chemotherapy or oncological treatment, but you can also come to this department for gastroenterological (gastroscopies under anesthesia ...), cardiological and dermatological examinations. Punctures, liver biopsies, pain treatments, port catheter placements, infusion therapies and blood transfusions also take place here.
The internal surgery day hospital works closely with social services and psychologists. The nurses can give you more information.
If there are problems at home, or if you are worried for any reason, you can contact the internal surgery day hospital or your GP. Your GP works closely with your attending doctor at the hospital.
Head nurse(s)
Frequently Asked Questions

Relaxroom for cancerpatients
A special relaxing treatment room is set up, in collaboration with Huis Erika Thijs vzw, for patients staying in the oncology department or receiving chemotherapy in our hospital. Patients can go there for a gentle facial treatment or relaxing massage by a beauty consultant from Huis Erika Thijs. The treatment is completely free of charge for the patient. For more info on dates and to register for a session, please contact our team at 011 69 91 11.