Nursing wards

Our departments and nursing wards each have their own specialization and consist of permanent teams of expert nurses and healthcare professionals. They are divided into five clusters: women & child, critical services, surgical services, internal services and medical-technical services. The head nurse is the central point of contact in the department or ward who manages the team and can answer any questions about the functioning of the department.


Materniteit familie vrouw & kind

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse


Closset Stephanie

Stephanie Closset


rapid recovery orthopedie

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Tamara Lefevre

Tamara Lefevre

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Mieke Vanheers

Mieke Vanheers

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Nicky Hasevoets

Nicky Hasevoets

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Fabienne Engelbos hoofdverpleegkundige

Fabienne Engelbos


geriatrische zorg

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

hoofdverpleegkundinge geriatrisch dagziekenhuis

Erika Cauberg

hoofdverpleegkundige G2

Floor Ruelens

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Luk Jansen hoofdverpleegkundige geriatrie

Luk Jansen

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Jan Vanhaeren hoofdverpleegkundige geriatrie

Jan Vanhaeren

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Erna Vansimpsen hoofdverpleegkundige geriatrie

Erna Vansimpsen

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

hoofdverpleegkundige G2

Floor Ruelens

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Sofie Vreven hoofdverpleegkundige verpleegeenheid G30

Sofie Vreven

Nursing ward G1

Location: block G, 1st floor - from the entrance hall follow yellow colour

This ward is operational only when there is a need to provide extra beds.


operatiekwartier chirurg

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

sofie Vanwing hoofdverpleegkundige intensieve zorgen

Sofie Vanwing

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Veronique Terranova diensthoofd operatiekwartier

Veronique Terranova

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Geert Berden hoofdverpleegkundige

Geert Berden

Gert Plevoets hoofdverpleegkundige

Gert Plevoets


CT scan radiologie

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Minnie Geraerts hoofdverpleegkundige

Minnie Geraerts

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Vanessa Vleugels

Vanessa Vleugels

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Fitore Bajrami SP-revalidatie

Fitore Bajrami

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Martijn Vuerstaek diensthoofd klinisch labo

Martijn Vuerstaek


Wouter Daenen dienstverantwoordelijke nucleaire geneeskunde

Wouter Daenen

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Sofie Melotte diensthoofd patiëntenbegeleiding

Sofie Melotte

Paediatric (childrens department) ward (nursing ward D2)

Location: block D, 2nd floor - follow turquoise colour from entrance hall

Tel: 011 69 97 90

Head nurse

Sander Ombelets diensthoofd radiologie

Sander Ombelets