The ethics committee

The ethics committee provides advice on all ethical aspects in the context of patient care and scientific research. They meet 4 times a year and depending on the agenda, the committee may meet more or less.

What are the duties of the ethics committee?

-    a guidance and advisory function regarding the ethical aspects of hospital care
-    a support function in decisions on individual cases regarding ethics
-    an advisory function regarding the initiation of clinical studies in Sint-Trudo Hospital

You can contact the ethics committee via email:

The composition of members and their discipline


  • dr. Jolanda Verheezen - oncologist
  • dr. Elien Dewaele - medical oncologist

Vice chairman:

  • Kurt Vandendooren - palliative nurse


  • Nele Kerkhofs - psychologist


  • dr. Inge Bormans - nuclear medicine specialist
  • dr. Bart De Keyzer - radiologist
  • dr. Lisa Lopez - pediatrician
  • Annelies Louwagie - clinical biologist
  • dr. Sven Martens - geriatrician
  • Trudo Nagels - lawyer
  • Sander Ombelets - chief radiology nurse
  • dr. Jolien Schildermans - anesthesiologist
  • dr. Stefan Schrijvers - general practitioner
  • Ann Stevens - hospital chaplain
  • Ingrid Stockmans - chief pharmacist

Submitting a request to the ethics committee

A written request to the Sint-Trudo Ethics Committee may be submitted by any staff member and doctor of the hospital. This can be done in writing (according to the clinical trial agreements) or orally to one of the members in case of ethical questions. If you wish, the ethics committee handles the requests/questions anonymously.

Type of requests:

  • advisory questions
  • case discussion
  • visioning
  • ethical questions

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