Anal fissure

An anal fissure is a wound on the anus that does not heal. This causes pain at the anus, mainly when going to the toilet and for a while afterwards.

How does a fissure occur?

The reason why an anal fissure does not heal is excessive tension of the inner sphincter muscle. This reduces blood flow at the anus and prevents the wound from healing. The pain further increases the tension on the muscle, creating a vicious cycle.


An anal fissure can usually be treated with medication.

If treatment with medication does not work enough, surgery is necessary. In this procedure, a piece of the inner sphincter muscle of the anus is cut to reduce the increased tension. The fissure is cut away. The wound is left open after surgery to minimize the risk of infection and heals quickly.


After surgery, take a warm sitting bath three times a day and after each bowel movement. You may be given a wound-healing ointment.