Facet infiltration

The vertebrae of the back consist of cubes stacked on top of each other that can move in relation to each other like hinges because of facet joints. When changes occur in these facet joints due to an accident or wear and tear, it can cause pain in the back.


You do not need to make any specific preparations at home. You can eat and drink as usual, staying sober is not necessary. This treatment is not suitable for women who are pregnant.


Your blood pressure and heart rate will be checked before the treatment. You will only have to wear a surgical gown if you receive pain infiltration at the level of the neck. After this, you will be given an infusion.


The pain infiltration is performed in the operating room. You will first be given a local anaesthetic through a syringe. This may cause a burning sensation that quickly subsides. Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the doctor uses an X-ray machine to locate the facet joints that are probably causing the pain. A small dose of cortisone is injected near these joints in addition to an anaesthetic.

The local anaesthetic and numbing agent administered to you will wear off after a few hours. After this you will probably feel the same pain as before the treatment. You may take pain medication for this. The cortisone will usually give results after one to two weeks at the earliest.


You rest for at least half an hour after the treatment because you may sometimes feel temporarily weak. Your blood pressure and heart rate will be checked again. You may return home the same day, make sure you can be taken home after the treatment. You may not drive a car for the first 24 hours after the treatment.