Interventional radiology

Interventional radiology are minor procedures that are performed under image guidance by the radiologist.

What is interventional radiology?

These are minor procedures that the radiologist performs under image guidance. Interventional radiology can have different purposes.

For minor procedures, we are using more and more minimally invasive techniques, which means that the impact on the body should be as small as possible. These radiologic interventional techniques are an important part of this. 


Radiologic intervention techniques

Draining of abscess etc.

We place a drainage catheter to collect pus or unwanted fluid from the body. This can also be done specifically for a drainage of the bile ducts via a catheter or stent.


Guided by images via ultrasound or CT, we take tissue though a puncture for further examination.

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)

Via high-frequency alternating current, an electrode is used to generate frictional heat in the tissue with the aim of killing the cells. We apply this for the treatment of tumors, in collaboration with the oncology department.


Through needle punctures we administer medication.