NMR mammography (breasts)

With an NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), we image the breasts by means of a magnetic field and radio waves. This is how we obtain 3D images of the inside of the body: disc images in three dimensions. No X-rays are used in an NMR examination. The examination can be considered harmless.

Course of the examination

An NMR examination of the breasts takes about 30 to 40 minutes and is not painful.

  • Because of the strength of the magnet, you should not approach the device with metal objects (coins, needles, jewelry, keys ...) or with magnetic cards (bank card, health insurance card, parking card ...). You can leave your belongings in the changing room.
  • In the examination room you will be installed as comfortably as possible on the examination table.
  • At the start of the examination, you'll slide slowly into the magnetic tunnel, lying on the NMR table. The tunnel is open on both sides (front and back). This tunnel is very well lit and ventilated.
  • The medical team is outside the examination room. You can see them clearly through a window and through a camera. Through an intercom system they can hear you. During the examination you can always contact them by means of a button.
  • During the examination you'll regularly hear knocking sounds.
  • You will be given headphones to protect you from these sounds and you can listen to music.
  • You must not move at all 
  • When a contrast medium is injected, you will feel a prick similar to a blood draw. The radiologist will determine if contrast must be administered.

The radiologist makes an initial interpretation of the images during the examination. After the final interpretation, he/she sends a report to the doctor who requested the examination. Only this doctor can discuss the results with you.

An NMR examination is only possible by appointment. Please always bring your identity card and the request from your doctor.

You must register in advance at the registration desk in the central entrance hall.


Remove all metal objects and jewelry before starting the examination and leave them in the changing room. 

For this examination, you must first carefully fill out a complete questionnaire .

Important things to report for an NMR examination:

  • that you have a pacemaker or an artificial valve of the heart.
  • that you have undergone a major surgery.
  • that you have had surgery on the eye or brain.
  • that you are pregnant.

In all these cases, you'll notify the doctor or radiology nurse before the examination starts.

This examination is only possible by appointment. Please always bring your identity card, your doctor's prescription and any previous radiological examinations.


No specific aftercare is required.