Video capsule examination

In a video capsule examination, you swallow a small capsule that contains a miniature camera. This camera takes images of the digestive tract as the capsule travels through your body. This type of endoscopy is used to examine the small intestine.

Why a video capsule examination?

The video capsule is a painless examination in which the capsule allows the doctor to study the inside of the digestive tract. It is often performed when no clear cause can be determined during a regular endoscopy because the area is difficult to reach.

Preparing for the exam

The examination requires special preparation to cleanse the intestines:

  • Stop taking iron supplements (ferrograd, ferricure,...) seven days before the examination
  • Start a low-residue diet three days before the examination: no fruits, vegetables or dark bread
  • The day before the examination you take some laxatives.
    • Take 1 Primperan® in the morning and at noon. At 2 p.m. you take a duo bag of Moviprep®. Eat a last light meal at 4 p.m. and take the last Primperan® with it. At 6 p.m. you take the other duo-bag of Moviprep®.

Course of the examination

You will be given the capsule at the beginning of the examination. You will not feel anything. You will receive an accompanying data recorder that continuously receives images from the camera in the capsule. It is best to check every now and then whether the pilot light of the data recorder is still on.

Step around well during the examination to move the capsule to the small intestine. After an hour, the position of the capsule will be checked and you may be given Primperan® to help lower the capsule.

The entire examination takes eight hours; you will stay in the day room for this. The capsule is for single use and disappears through the toilet.