In this video, Monique, one of our midwives, shows how to give your baby a bath as well as take care of the belly button. 

  • Acknowledge your child: If you and your partner are not married, it is best to make an appointment at the registry office of the municipality where you live. You can do this throughout your pregnancy. All you need is a doctor's certificate confirming the pregnancy and stating the expected date of delivery. An "acknowledgment" is then drawn up, allowing your baby to receive the surname of both parents. This can also be put in order after the birth.
  • Growthpackage: For the birth of a child in Flanders you can apply for a starting amount of 1,167.33 euros. You can do this from 24 weeks of pregnancy. The gynaecologist will make you a certificate for this.
  • Home care midwife: You will stay in the hospital for four nights after a natural childbirth, and five nights after a cesarean section. You can also choose to go home after two nights if the gynaecologist and pediatrician allow it. You can then rely on maternity care or a midwife at home. 
  • Maternity care: After you give birth, you can count on maternity care. The maternity nurse supports you and your family in the first weeks after giving birth. Light household chores are taken over from you, so you can calmly get used to your new family life. It is best to apply for maternity care when you are 20 to 25 weeks pregnant. The cost per hour is determined by the family income. Some health insurances provide a contribution for the costs.

A pregnancy ball is a useful aid during labor. A proper sitting position makes you calmer. Sitting on the ball can relieve pelvic pain and helps puff away contractions. The sitting position also helps get the baby in the right position for delivery. 

Bevallen met bal (355.56 KB)

As an alternative to a conventional delivery, you can opt for an underwater delivery. Our delivery rooms have 2 delivery baths and 1 relaxation bath. During your consultation with the gynaecologist or midwife, you can obtain more information about the pros and cons of a bath birth. So be sure to mention it if you are considering a bath birth. The gynaecologist will check with you whether or not you can give birth in the bath.

The delivery proceeds largely as a traditional birth. Controlling dilation and monitoring the baby's heart tones can take place in the water. Water is a form of natural pain relief that reduces the need for medicated pain relief. Once the baby is born he is escorted to the surface of the water at a gentle pace as he is still receiving oxygen through the umbilical cord. After birth, mom and baby are installed in bed for further skin-to-skin contact. 

What do you bring?

To make your labor as pleasant as possible, it's best to bring the items below.

  • Bathrobe
  • Slippers or slippers
  • Bikini top or sports bra (if you wish)
  • Big bath towel

Before you can give birth in the birthing pool, you should read the brochure below. Here you will find more information (in dutch) about the pros and cons and how a bath birth works. At the back you will find a form that you may have to sign with your gynaecologist before giving birth to indicate that you have been sufficiently informed about the process.

Badbevalling (328.05 KB)
bevalbaden materniteit
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