Plan your appointment
Consultation hospital (by appointment)
Daily (weekdays)
Consultation general practitioners
Parel Huisartsennetwerk
Graethempoort 5
3840 Borgloon
Tel: 012 23 34 82
Huisartsenpraktijk Galmina
Sint Jansberg 4
3800 Engelmanshoven
Tel: 011 48 59 32
Focus areas
General Endocrinology
Obesity and metabolic syndrome
In asociation with
Graduated in 2013
Doctor-specialist in endocrinology/diabetology
Doctor-specialist in internal medicine
- KU Leuven
Graduated in 2007
Master in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics
- KU Leuven
- Limburgs Universitair Centrum
2013 - present
Staff member endocrinology
- Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis Sint-Truiden
2011 - 2013
Assistant doctor-specialist endocrinology/diabetology
- UZ Leuven
2007 - 2011
Assistant doctor-specialist in internal medicine
- Salvator Ziekenhuis Hasselt
- Jessa Ziekenhuis Hasselt
- UZ Leuven
- Diabetes League, consulting doctor local department Diabetes League
- Belgian Professional Society of Endocrino-Diabetologists
Conventioned or affiliated doctors adhere to the official price set by INAMI-NIHDI and they may not charge any additional fees.
Only in case of admission to a single room may this be deviated from.
Personal insurance
More info at the doctor's office.