Caesarean section

If natural delivery is not possible, the baby is born by cesarean section (sectio). This involves making an incision in the mother's abdomen. The caesarean section can be planned in advance or, for medical reasons, occurs during labor.

Day of planned caesarean section

On the day of delivery, you must be sober. This means that you cannot eat or drink anything from midnight. You are expected in the maternity ward a few hours before the caesarean section. The midwife listens to the baby's heart tones, takes a blood sample, and an IV is inserted as a preventive measure in order to administer all preparatory medication afterwards. You will wear a surgical gown and your pubic area will be shaved if you have not already done so. You can not wear jewelry, nail polish or makeup during the caesarean section. Shortly before surgery, you will be taken to the preparation room in the operating department. Here your partner may stay with you.

If you know in advance that you will have a caesarean section, you will be informed thoroughly. You will also receive additional information upon arrival at the maternity ward on the scheduled day. When possible, we always try to perform a "gentle sectio" or warm cesarean section during a planned caesarean.

Gentle sectio

This is a "gentle" or "friendly" caesarean section. The goal is to avoid separating mom, baby and partner. Delivery is more gentle and natural than if the baby is abruptly removed from the womb. After birth, the baby is placed on mom's chest as quickly and as long as possible for skin-to-skin contact, also known as skinning. 

The caesarean section

When you are taken to the operating room, your partner waits in the preparation room until the caesarean section begins. You will receive epidural anesthesia via an epidural. Once you are locally anesthetized, a bladder catheter is placed to empty your bladder and make the operation go smoothly. Then sterile drapes are placed over your legs and abdomen and the abdomen is completely disinfected. When the gynaecologist begins the caesarean section, your partner may be present.

After the caesarean section

After birth, your baby is placed on your chest as soon as possible to "skin-to-skin" with you. This skin-to-skin contact has several benefits for the baby. Among other things it helps him maintain a stable temperature, but also ensures a good bond between parents and baby. Moreover, it allows the baby to be put to the breast quickly. When the procedure is over, you will be taken to the recovery room until the anesthesia wears off. After this you will go to the maternity ward and you and your baby will be further monitored and cared for. 


Aftercare childbirth
Aftercare baby