Clinical biology lab
Plan your appointment
What can we help you with?
The lab is active in several subfields (haematology, clinical chemistry/immunochemistry, microbiology and molecular biology). The studies can each contribute to the detection of a disease, the confirmation of a diagnosis, the estimation of a prognosis and the monitoring of the therapy that has been initiated. A specialized team is on hand to perform the necessary examinations according to the latest guidelines and technology.
For every visit you must enroll at the hospital reception:
- For venous blood draws or the delivery of samples, you can come to the laboratory without an appointment.
- For endocrinology stimulation tests and sperm testing you'll need to make an appointment. This is possible on weekdays between 08:00 am and 06:00 pm.
- The laboratory performs blood draws for studies conducted elsewhere. We take care of the correct blood draw, any pretreatment and sending the samples.

The scientific team of the laboratory clinical biology consists of clinical biologists, a research assistant, a chief lab assistant and medical laboratory technicians (lab technicians).
The clinical biologists are committed to the efficient and patient-centered use of clinical biology. They ensure the quality of the tests performed and are available for diagnostic and therapeutic advice.
The support offered includes the following aspects:
Pre-analytical: advice regarding sample collection, sample transport, stability ...
Analytical: advice of laboratory analysis and intended pathology
Post-analytical: advice and interpretation of results
Therapeutic: antibiotics advice, advice regarding therapeutic drug monitoring
Clinical biologists
Where can you find the laboratory clinical biology?
The lab is located at the block D, on the first (1) floor. Follow the turquoise colour from the entrance hall.
Before you sign in at the lab for the examination, you must register in the hospital entrance hall.
Information about various examinations
The laboratory has WIV recognition (recognition number 71620) as required by Belgian legislation. This allows the patient to be reimbursed for the analyses by Social Security.
To ensure and further optimize the quality of services, the laboratory has a coherent and operational quality system in accordance with the practice guideline of the WIV.
FAGG No. 10-0043, extension of accreditation
The laboratory is BELAC-accredited according to the international quality standard for medical laboratories ISO 15189:2012. The scope (list of analyses) to which the accreditation applies is listed on the following website ( ) under accreditation certificate 641-MED.
In summer 2019 the clinical lab achieved BELAC accreditation for the ISO standard for medical laboratories, ISO standard 15189.