Physical medicine and rehabilitation

The department of physical medicine and rehabilitation specializes in rehabilitating people with certain medical conditions and/or pain syndromes. The goal of our treatments is to regain maximum functionality.

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What can we help you with?

The doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation examines and treats a range of pathologies of the bones, muscles, tendons, joints and nerves. Do you have complaints? Then you can come to our doctors for a consultation and/or an intake interview where we look for the best solution and work out a customized treatment plan. Our team of doctors is also available for people who come to the hospital for rehabilitation, who need an admission to the stay ward or who stay at another ward in the hospital.

Outpatient rehabilitation

Our modern equipped rehabilitation center is available to patients who begin a rehabilitation program on prescription of the doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation, but do not stay in the hospital.

Rehabilitation for hospitalized patients

Even if you are admitted to a ward other than the rehabilitation stay ward in our hospital, you can call on the rehabilitation team for support.

Admission to the residential ward

Our rehabilitation stay ward (SP rehabilitation) is fully equipped for patients who need an intensive course of treatment to improve their functionality as much as possible.

Practical questions

For reimbursement, you must contact your health insurance, based on the nomenclature number you receive from the hospital. For reimbursement, keep in mind that you cannot have a consultation with your own physiotherapist or with your rehabilitation doctor on the same day of your rehabilitation.

You can find us at the following location(s):

Route 316 (outpatient rehabilitation, not cardio)

Route 164 (cardiac rehabilitation)

Route 230 or 418 (consultation physical physician, the location will be communicated at registration)

Route 270 (rehabilitation residential ward / SP)


dr. Johan Darcis

dr. Johan Darcis

rehabilitation doctor
dr. Sam Hendrix

dr. Sam Hendrix

rehabilitation doctor
dr. Liesbet Van Mol

dr. Liesbet Van Mol

rehabilitation doctor