Ankle entrapment (impingement)

An ankle entrapment (impingement) can occur due to thickening caused by scar tissue, extra bone ingrowth (osteophytes) or prolonged (sports) overload. This causes pain and an inflammatory reaction.


You have pain that occurs mainly during end movements of the ankle. Movement may be limited because tissues are pinched.


The final diagnosis is made by asking specific questions about the symptoms and an examination of the ankle. An X-ray is also taken.

RX skeleton

If this does not provide enough information, an additional NMR scan (MRI) or CT scan may be performed.


During keyhole surgery, tissue (soft tissue or bone) can be removed, relieving the entrapment.

For certain conditions of the ankle, the orthopaedic surgeon may recommend this keyhole surgery (arthroscopy) if other treatments are not effective enough. During the arthroscopy, the surgeon not only looks inside the joint, but can also treat any abnormality immediately.

Arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)