Dizziness and/or balance disorders

Dizziness and balance disorders are common and can occur together or separately. They usually occur as a result of another condition.


Dizziness manifests itself in various ways such as feeling lightheaded, feeling of fainting, staggering or spinning. These symptoms can occur both together and separately. Balance disturbances can be a consequence of dizziness but can also occur separately. This may be manifested by uncertain stepping, wide stepping, difficulty stepping on unsteady ground or in the dark,...


The cases below can cause dizziness or balance disorders:

  • Blood pressure problems
  • Problems of the heart
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • Diseases of the balance organ
  • Hyperventilation or anxiety
  • Low blood sugar
  • Side effect of medication
  • Trauma (e.g. car accident)
  • Old age


Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)

In this case, the crystals in our balance organ have become detached and displaced. Typical features of BPPV are vertigo when moving the head, often with nausea. An attack of vertigo lasts at most a few minutes and stops when the head is held still. Nevertheless, it increases the risk of falls. A physical therapist can bring the crystals of the balance organ back into place through specific maneuvers.

Vestibular hypofunction

In this condition, there is impaired functioning of one or both balance organs. This can occur due to e.g. inner ear infection, Menière's disease, old age, neurological disorders,.... Characteristic of this type is a disturbance of balance while walking or standing, a blurred image during rapid head or body movements and/or difficulty in stepping in the dark or on uneven ground. Sometimes there may be additional neck pain due to strained posture. Treatment consists of exercises to improve eye-head coordination and gaze stabilization, balance exercises, walking exercises,...

Meniere's disease

In Meniere's disease, there is an accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. Typical symptoms are sudden attacks of vertigo, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting and hearing loss. Sometimes relaxation therapy can help better manage these symptoms. Usually this condition is remedied with medication and/or possibly surgery.

Want to know more about your rehabilitation?

You can follow a neurological rehabilitation program for this condition.

Neurological rehabilitation