
Gallstones are hard, stony masses that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small organ under the liver that stores bile. The stones can range in size from small granules to large golf balls.


A true cause of gallstones is not known. Certain factors, such as being overweight, a diet high in fat and cholesterol, age, diabetes and heredity may increase your chances of getting gallstones.


Many people experience no discomfort from gallstones and sometimes don't even know they have them. If you do experience discomfort, the symptoms below may occur:

  • Pain in right upper abdomen radiating to back/shoulder
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Jaundice (yellow skin and eyes)
  • Fever and chills

Gallstones can cause biliary colic and sometimes even gallbladder inflammation. In the case of a colic, gallstones shut off the supply and drainage of bile. In some cases, this causes inflammation.


You not need treatment if you do not suffer from the gallstones. Taking medication may reduce any pain.

If you do have symptoms, it may be necessary to remove the gallbladder surgically. Usually, in case of inflammation, the gallbladder is also removed.

Gallbladder removal