Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus is a condition in which the big toe (hallux) stands inward (valgus). This occurs in part because ligaments are too flexible, mostly in women. The condition can be congenital (familial) or arises from frequently wearing narrow shoes. Hallux valgus is also more common in people who have flat feet.


As the big toe comes inward, there is irritation and friction in the shoe and extra bone is created on the side (bunion). At first, the deviation of the big toe is stopped by the second toe. After some time, this one is also pushed away (up or down) and the toes start crossing each other. Finding easy footwear is made difficult because of this. Sometimes the entire joint becomes inflamed and swelling and redness occur.

Hallux valgus is a progressive deformity and develops over the years. However, there are also very young people with such a deformity. In this case it is usually a familial condition.


We always start by trying to reduce the pressure on the bunion by wearing custom (wider) shoes. Orthotics can also help reduce pain and prevent further evolution of the problem.

If the condition is already too advanced or the non-operative solutions do not help, surgery is necessary to correct the shape of the foot. If surgery is not possible, the doctor may opt for custom-made, orthopedic shoes.