
An endoscopy is an examination in which we use a thin tube (endoscope) to view the inside of various organs through a natural opening (e.g., the mouth).

Gastroenterological examination

The endoscope is usually a flexible tube with a small camera and a light source at the tip. The images taken by this camera are displayed directly on a screen. The flexible part of the endoscope is inserted through the mouth (gastroscopy) or the anus (colonoscopy).

You can get different endoscopic examinations of the digestive system:

Colonoscopy (coloscopy)
Video capsule examination

Other examinations

You may also receive an endoscopic examination in other disciplines. The examinations below also involve the use of an endoscope:

  • Bronchoscopy: an examination of the airways, performed in the pneumology (lung diseases) department.
  • Cystoscopy: an examination of the bladder performed in the urology department.
  • Hysteroscopy: an examination of the uterus, performed in the gynaecology department.