It is very important to know that you can go to a hospital's ombudsperson in complete confidence.

The attitude and tasks of the ombudsperson:

  • is neutral, does not take a stand and does not judge who is right or wrong
  • works independently of hospital management
  • handles every complaint confidentially and is bound by professional confidentiality
  • promotes communication between patient and health care provider
  • does not resolve the reported problems by him- or herself but tries to reach a solution through mediation
  • informs the patient of other options if no solution is reached
  • records all reports of complaints and formulates recommendations to hospital management to prevent the recurrence of complaints

A family member or other companion may accompany you to the entrance of the nuclear medicine department. They can wait for you in the waiting room or in the hospital cafeteria*.

Exceptions may be allowed for companions of children and disabled persons. It s best to discuss this in advance with the nuclear medicine team.
* Unless other measures for visitors are communicated.

After the examination, the radioactive substance remains in your body for a few hours, so you emit minimal radiation. In order not to unnecessarily expose people around you to radiation, it is important that you follow these guidelines.

  • Radiation decreases significantly with distance. On the day of the examination, it's best to keep an arm's length distance from other people. It is best to hold small children as little as possible on the day of the study (do not take them on your lap, have another family member take care of them, etc.).

  • You can continue your work without any problems. If you come into contact with radioactivity during your work, be sure to report it to the doctor.

  • If possible, it's best to drink as much water as possible after the administration of the radioactive substance. This will cause the substance to be excreted more quickly through the urine.

  • The minimal radiation that you emit is harmless in itself, but may activate certain detection devices, such as airport checkpoints. Keep this in mind if you were to leave on a trip shortly after treatment.

  • Avoid direct contact with excretory products (urine, stool, vomit and blood). Use disposable gloves if necessary. 

If you must undergo an examination at the nuclear medicine department, you must follow a number of guidelines.

  • You are allowed to eat and drink as usual before and after the administration of the radioactive substance, unless we specifically ask you to remain sober.
  • If you are pregnant, or suspect you are pregnant, notify the doctor immediately. It is important that you report this before administering the radioactive substance.
  • If you are breastfeeding, notify the doctor immediately. For some examinations, we recommend that you do not breastfeed for a short period after the examination.
  • Most of the time you don't have to undress for the examination. It is best to remove metal objects (e.g. jewelry). These can interfere with the examination.
  • Please be present on time.

If you are, unexpectedly, unable to attend and cannot keep your appointment, please notify the nuclear medicine department by phone (011 69 93 00). This will allow us to cancel the order for an expensive product.

Everyone is aware of the dangers of radioactivity. However, you may rest assured that all necessary radiation protection measures are taken during a nuclear examination. The amount of radiation that you receive is small and is strictly controlled and measured with instruments that are checked very regularly. The amount injected is in accordance with internationally acceptable standards. The radiation is comparable to classical radiography (RX).

The time between administration and the final examination depends on the organ to be examined. It can range from a few minutes to several hours. Sometimes an examination takes one or several days. This time is required for the product to get to the desired organ and accumulate there before the image can be recorded. The recording of the images takes 15 minutes to 1 hour. If the examination takes a long time or multiple images need to be taken, we do this to get the best possible image.

A specific procedure is followed for each examination. For most tests, the radioactive substance is injected into the vein. For some tests, you'll inhale a gas or the radioactive substance will be administered in the form of a meal or drink. The radioactive substance then circulates in your body and accumulates in the organ to be examined. You will not experience any significant discomfort from the ingestion. Allergic reactions occur extremely rare and only very mild.

For the recordings, you have to lie down under the gamma camera. To take images with the highest possible quality, the gamma camera is brought as close as possible to the organ to be examined. It is important that you lie still and breathe calmly during the image recording. You do not lie in a tunnel for the examination.

The examination is painless. Just puncturing the blood vessel can be painful and is comparable to the puncture for a blood test. The injection itself has no side effects: no allergic reactions, heat sensation or drowsiness. You can leave the hospital immediately after the examination on your own, unless the doctor gives you other instructions.

Afterwards, the test results will be sent to your treating doctor who requested the test. You can make an appointment with this doctor to discuss the results.

For ethical and privacy reasons, the lab will not discuss or communicate results to the patient or family. Your doctorwill receive the result in writing, by phone or electronically and discuss the results with you.

As patient, you can therefore request the lab result from your doctor.

For standard tests, the result is usually available within a few hours, but for some tests, it takes several days to several weeks before the result is known. Emergency tests are prior at any time of the day. We strive to make results available within the hour in acute situations.

Results of analyses that require immediate attention of the attending doctor are reported to the doctor by telephone.  

For examining bowel movements, the following guidelines apply depending on the purpose of the examination:

Download the guidelines for taking a microbiological examination

Download the guidelines for looking up blood 

Urin samples can be dropped off at the clinical biology lab on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.
If you have to hand in a urine sample for examination, you must collect the urine in a special jar. You can pick up these jars, upon presentation of your request form, at the counter of the lab. Return the jar with urine at the laboratory counter. You always have the possibility to collect your urine within the laboratory.

Download the guidelines for collecting a urine sample (female)

Download the guidelines for collecting a urine sample (male)

Download the guidelines for collecting a urine sample (small children)

If you need to collect urine for a 24-hour examination, you must collect that urine in special designated jars. You can pick up these jars, upon presentation of your request form, at the laboratory counter. The instructions for collecting urine are described on these jars and will be clarified to you when you pick them up. Handing in the jars with the collected urine is also done at the counter of the lab.

Download the guidelines for collection of a 24-hour urine collection

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