You'll register yourself at the hospital reception at the agreed time. After registration you'll go to the day surgery centre where a nurse will meet you and guide you further. To ensure your admission goes smoothly, we will call you the day before your admission in the late afternoon to inform you of the exact time of your admission.

For the procedure itself you will be taken to the operating room. There you will be further prepared: you will be given a hat and probably will also be given an IV. The anesthesiologist will wait for you in the operating room, where you will be anesthetized and operated on.

After surgery, you'll stay in the recovery room for a while. How long you stay there is difficult to estimate in advance and depends on the nature of the procedure and the type of anesthesia administered. 

Once back in the room, you will be given more information in the ward about how to proceed after surgery. You will also be given the necessary documents to take home.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak to our team.

Important to know before your day admission at the day surgery hospital:

  • You'll come to the hospital sober. This means that you are not allowed to eat or drink anything from the evening before the procedure (from midnight), including water.
  • Brushing your teeth is allowed, smoking is not allowed.
  • You'll pay due attention to personal hygiene: take a bath or shower the morning of the operation.
  • You may wax the area to be operated on the day before.
  • You'll arrive on time. If you are late, we may be forced to postpone your surgery. So be sure to take traffic into consideration.
  • Please remove all makeup, nail polish, gel nails, hairpins, lenses and piercings.
  • Morning medication should be taken in consultation with your attending doctor or anesthesiologist.

If you are ill or have a fever in the morning, please notify us as soon as possible at 011 69 98 95. To reschedule, it is best to contact your attending doctor's office.


You'll report to the registration department (in the entrance hall) at the appointed time. Here, you will receive a recording sheet and name stickers.

Next you'll go to the laboratory (block D, first floor) to have blood taken.

Then you'll go to the internal surgery day hospital (block E, third floor, enter through the double door), where the nurses will guide you further and assist you where necessary.

  • identity card
  • documents for hospitalization insurance (e.g., Medicard ...)
  • any medication that you normally take at home/medication list
  • comfortable clothes (for chemotherapy: clothes with V-neck or buttons in front)
  • a book or magazine for some distraction

Important to know before your day admission in the internal surgery day hospital:

  • The day of the treatment you do not have to be sober, unless otherwise agreed.
  • You'll pay the necessary attention to body hygiene: a bath or shower the morning of the treatment is recommended.
  • You'll arrive on time (take traffic into account). In case of delay, you must notify the day hospital (011 69 97 80).
  • You may take your morning medication with a small sip of water (unless notified otherwise by your doctor).

If you are sick or have a fever in the morning, please notify the internal day hospital as soon as possible at 011 69 97 80 to cancel and/or reschedule your treatment.

Be sure to contact your doctor when you experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Signs of infection (fever above 38°C and/or chills; sore throat; burning sensation and/or pain when urinating).
  • If you suffer from profuse vomiting, diarrhea, constipation for more than 24 hours.
  • Sudden skin rash
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pain in the mouth, difficulty or pain when swallowing
  • Bruises without having fallen or bumped yourself
  • Or when you are worried about some symptom

The doctors and our entire team are always available to assist you if necessary.

You can visit the internal surgery day hospital on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., at 011 69 97 80.

From 6 p.m. you can contact the oncology department at 011 69 97 30.

  • Between 07h00 and 21h00 it is best to register at the reception at the main entrance of the hospital. 
  • Between 21h00 and 07h00 you register at the emergency unit. 

It is important to regularly:

  • increase the height of the cast limb
  • put a bench under the cast leg that is at least as high as the chair or seat you are sitting on
  • placing a pillow under the plastered arm
  • move and exercise adjacent body parts not in the cast regularly (e.g., fingers, toes, shoulder, knee)
  • Stretch the muscles under the cast from time to time (especially those of the thigh if it is in plaster)

With a cast, you should definitely not do the following:

  • Get the plaster cast wet; this applies to both a lime and synthetic cast.
  • Supporting or walking on a (semi-) open cast. 
  • Insert foreign objects into the cast.
  • Picking cotton wool from the cast.
  • Drying the cast by artificial heat.
  • Cutting or sawing into the cast.
  • Using sharp objects for itching. 
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