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The anaesthesiologist provides pain control, anaesthesia, artificial sleep, as well as protection and stabilization of the body's vital functions during surgery, childbirth or during a particular examination.
Emergency department
Need urgent medical help? Call 112.
Sint-Trudo Hospital has a specialised emergency department. Patients in an urgent or life-threatening situation or in need of urgent medical care are quickly and efficiently cared for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a specialised team of nurses and emergency doctors.
Sint-Trudo Hospital has a specialised emergency department. Patients in an urgent or life-threatening situation or in need of urgent medical care are quickly and efficiently cared for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a specialised team of nurses and emergency doctors.
The ethics committee
The ethics committee provides advice on all ethical aspects in the context of patient care and scientific research. They meet 4 times a year and depending on the agenda, the committee may meet more or less.
Vision of sustainable quality
JCI gave us the necessary quality boost, but we are ready for the next step: FlaQuM is making its appearance. A new quality vision and system will see the light of day with the necessary participation and involvement of nurses and doctors. We can get a head start here thanks to our participation in the chair with LIGB (KULeuven).