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What can we help you with?
At the neonatology unit, your baby is constantly being watched between cares and feedings. As a parent, you are always welcome here. If you are no longer admitted to the maternity ward but your baby still has to stay in the neonatology department for a while, you can call the midwives day and night for information about your baby. Even then, as a parent you may always stay with your baby (during the day).
Our neonatology department includes two separate areas, each with a specific level of care.
Incubator unit
At the incubator unit we have three closed incubators. In the incubators lie the babies who need extra care after birth or who were born prematurely and still need to grow (up to +/- 2,200 kg). Several wires run from the "monitoring devices" to your baby. You may occasionally hear an alarm, but don't let this deter you. The midwife or doctor will be happy to explain to you why you hear all those sounds and what function all those wires and tubes have.
Heated cots
The heated cots accommodate babies with a low birth weight (between 2,200 - 2,500 kg) or those who need additional observation during the transition phase from incubator to a regular cot.
As soon as the condition of your baby allows, you can help with the care and feeding.
For a baby with 8 feedings, the care and feeding hours are approximately as follows:
7.30 am - 10:30 am - 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm - 1:30 am - 4:30 am.
You can always count on the help and guidance of a midwife. To foster the relationship with your baby, frequent kangarooing is recommended. This involves wearing only a diaper and laying the baby on your bare chest or breast. This skin-to-skin contact is a moment to enjoy together with your baby.
On the ward, we place great importance on hygiene. Hospitalised babies are often very vulnerable to infections, and the germs that cause these infections are primarily found on hands.
Important rules for visiting:
- Remove rings, watches, and other jewellery.
- Wash and dry your hands and forearms thoroughly, then disinfect them.
- If you have recently been in contact with an infectious disease, always consult the midwife or paediatrician first to determine if visiting is advisable.
- Eating is not allowed on the ward; drinking is permitted (chilled water is available on the ward).
- Parents should use a locker to store personal items (e.g., coats, handbags, watches, rings).
- Smartphone use is not permitted to ensure the baby's peace and quiet.