Central sensitization

Central sensitization is a hypersensitivity of the pain alarm system in our brain. You experience pain despite there being no tissue damage (anymore).


The pain alarm system becomes more sensitive to different types of stimuli. You yourself can influence your pain experience by consciously understanding that the pain is harmless. You are guided in this by your treating physician.


The symptoms below may occur:

  • Hypersensitivity to pain
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood swings
  • Attention or memory problems


The physical therapist reviews with you what affects your symptoms. Your lifestyle is examined and this becomes the starting point of your treatment. For example, disturbed sleep, persistent chronic stress, an unhealthy diet,... influence your pain system and pain perception. Together we will look for a good balance between physical activity and sufficient moments of rest to increase your capacity. You will draw up a personal activity diary and receive advice in your activity management.

Psychosocial problems can also contribute to persistent pain. Therefore, you can always consult a (pain) psychologist during your rehabilitation. An occupational therapist provides advice around household tasks, sleep comfort and possible work resumption. Weekly multidisciplinary meetings are held with your treating physician to discuss your progress and possibly adjust your treatment program to your needs.

Want to know more about your rehabilitation?

Central sensitization treatment is part of the chronic pain treatment program.

Chronic pain treatment