Guillain-Barré syndrome

Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a condition that causes progressive paralysis. The disease often starts with sensory disturbances such as tingling and is followed by muscle paralysis in the legs that rises to the upper extremities. Muscles of the face, throat and tongue may also be affected.


GBS is a reaction of the body to its own immune system. It can occur after a common infection such as a cold, strep throat or gastrointestinal problems. This condition is not to be confused with polyneuropathy, which has a different cause but manifests in similar symptoms.



The syndrome usually goes through three phases: the progressive phase, the plateau phase and the recovery phase. During the progressive phase, it is important not to overexert yourself and, above all, to look at your abilities. Treatment in this phase consists of avoiding shortening of muscles and tendons due to prolonged paralysis. You will also receive breathing therapy during this phase. At the plateau phase, when the response has stabilized, we start rehabilitation with more focus on functionality to continue this into the recovery phase.

Each treatment has an individual approach that takes your needs and goals into account. Rehabilitation can include the following aspects:

  • Regaining and/or maintaining mobility
  • Strength, coordination and/or endurance training
  • Sensory rehabilitation
  • Balance exercises
  • Gait rehabilitation

Want to know more about your rehabilitation?

GBS rehabilitation is part of the neurological rehabilitation program.

Neurological rehabilitation