Shoulder injuries (orthopaedics)

The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in our body and allows us to move and rotate our arms in many directions. An interplay of bones, muscles, tendons, connective tissue and an elastic joint capsule guarantees both mobility and the necessary stability.


The shoulder forms a connection between the upper arm, the scapula, the clavicle and the back of the chest. The rotator cuff muscles provide stability to the shoulder. These muscles and their tendons also help with the rotational movements of the upper arm. The bursae around the shoulder allow the muscles to glide easily over the protruding bone parts.


The orthopaedic surgeon always first makes a diagnosis through a thorough examination with imaging (radiology) if necessary. Based on the diagnosis made, the specialized doctor prescribes treatment, which may include medication and/or physical therapy. At some point or with certain injuries, surgery will be necessary.

Common problems with the shoulder

Through the links below, you can find more information about some common conditions and treatments.

AC dislocation
Biceps tendinopathy
Frozen shoulder
Tendon calcification (shoulder)
Rotator cuff tear
Bursitis (shoulder)
Shoulder osteoarthritis
Shoulder impingement
Shoulder instability

Common procedures

Shoulder prosthesis

Orthopedic surgeons specializing around shoulder injuries

dr. Peter Bollars

dr. Peter Bollars

orthopaedic surgeon
dr. Wim De Weerdt

dr. Wim De Weerdt

orthopaedic surgeon
dr. Kristof Hermans

dr. Kristof Hermans

orthopaedic surgeon
dr. Daniël Janssen

dr. Daniël Janssen

orthopaedic surgeon

Want to know more about your rehabilitation?

Use the link below to learn more about the rehabilitation process after an orthopaedic condition.

Orthopaedic rehabilitation