Stroke (CVA)

A stroke or CVA occurs when blood flow in a part of the brain is interrupted by bleeding or a clot. As a result, certain brain cells do not receive enough oxygen, which can cause them to die.

FAST test herken een beroerte


In 80% of cases, the cause is a blood vessel that clogs up due to a blood clot. This is called a cerebral infarction. The remaining 20% involve a blood vessel that ruptures, causing blood to accumulate in the brain. Here we speak of a cerebral hemorrhage. The nature and severity of the symptoms depend greatly on the location, size and cause of the infarction or hemorrhage.

Recognize a stroke

Using the FAST test, you can recognize a stroke. React quickly and call 911 immediately. Every minute counts! The faster help can be provided, the more brain tissue can be saved and the greater the chance of recovery.


Er zijn een aantal aanpassingen aan je levensstijl die je kans op een (nieuwe) beroerte doen slinken. Gezonde voeding, regelmatig bewegen en stoppen met roken zijn hierin belangrijke factoren. Je leest in onderstaande brochure meer over het voorkomen van een beroerte. 


Stroke treatment is primarily aimed at repairing as many brain cells as possible to minimize damage. The sooner treatment can be started, the more likely it is that the patient will make a full recovery. A major goal is regaining independence. The consequences of a CVA are major: there are effects on the body, thinking, feelings and behavior. They affect not only the patient (he/she may not even be aware of it), but also the family and environment.

We make every effort to save as many brain cells as possible through a very specific treatment consisting of the following aspects:

  • infusion therapy and medication
  • monitoring of blood pressure, heart rhythm, temperature, blood sugar levels
  • detection and treatment of swallowing disorders: dietary adjustments are made if necessary
  • training of bladder function disorders
  • prevention of bedsores
  • prevention of phlebitis
  • management of emotional problems
  • rapid mobilization and start of rehabilitation

Want to know more about your rehabilitation?

Stroke or CVA treatment is part of the neurological rehabilitation program. Depending on your situation, you may also attend cognitive rehabilitation.

Neurological rehabilitation
Cognitive rehabilitation