Swallowing disorders

Problems in the normal swallowing process arise from inadequate functioning of various muscle groups, structures or nerves. The swallowing disorder (dysphagia) makes it difficult to transport food or secure the airway.


The following symptoms may be at the root of the cause:

  • Neurological disorders: stroke (CVA), MS, Parkinson's disease, etc.
  • Abnormalities in the head and neck area
  • Interventions: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
  • Psychological problems: phobia of swallowing, hysteria
  • Certain types of medication

What happens in choking?

In choking, the normal swallowing process is disturbed and food and/or liquid enters the airway. You then begin to cough as a security response and because the vocal cords are stimulated.


If the cause is not immediately obvious, an NKO doctor will diagnose the condition. Sometimes a few minor adjustments to your posture or food will suffice. A speech therapist will work with you using exercises to find a way of swallowing that is comfortable and safe for you.

Swallowing safely

A speech therapist teaches you to use a swallowing technique while eating and drinking to prevent choking. You will be given targeted exercises to improve swallowing by working on swallowing strength, among other things. Knowing more about swallowing and proper guidance can prevent many difficulties.


You may be advised to eat and drink appropriate foods. The IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative) system is used worldwide with people with swallowing difficulties. It is a classification system for consistencies of food and liquids. There are 7 subdivisions that are divided into beverages (0-4) and food (3-7). This system allows clear communication between different health care providers, nurses and care centers. You can read more about it on this website.

You can find more tips and examples in the brochure below.


Want to learn more about your rehabilitation?

You can attend a neurological rehabilitation program where you learn to swallow safely and learn more about proper nutrition.

Neurological rehabilitation