Anti-gravity treadmill (AlterG)

An anti-gravity treadmill (AlterG) allows you to walk without stressing your joints. The shock load decreases by making your body weight lighter. This can help with physical complaints, injuries or chronic illnesses.

What it does

The treadmill is surrounded by a sealed bag attached to special pants. This allows the bag to slowly fill with air, increasing air pressure. As the air pressure increases, your body weight will decrease causing your body to absorb less shock. The AlterG is used in rehabilitation but can also serve as an alternative form of training.

Patiënt komt voor revalidatie, begeleiding op loopband


  • It reduces pain during rehabilitation
  • You can start training early after an injury or surgery
  • You recover faster


Walking on the AlterG allows the body to load faster without pain after an injury. This helps improve mobility, gain strength and obtain a natural way of stepping. Sessions on an AlterG treadmill can help with a neurological, orthopedic or sports injury. It can also be part of oncology rehabilitation.

Neurological rehabilitation
Oncological rehabilitation
Orthopedic rehabilitation
Sports rehabilitation