Gait analysis

A gait analysis is an analysis of your movement pattern. It is performed for persistent complaints and pain.

For whom

A gait analysis can be helpful if you have pain symptoms at the level of the feet, knees or hips. A solution is also sought for problems with stepping due to incorrect foot roll-off or foot positioning.


During a gait analysis, the rehabilitation doctor and physical therapist, together with an orthopedic technician, look at your natural movement pattern. The wear of your shoes can also provide additional information about your gait pattern. Depending on the result, a decision is made whether you should wear orthotics or custom-made (orthopedic) shoes. If you need orthopedic shoes you always start with a trial model. After a trial period, the result is evaluated and you get a final version.

When to have a gait analysis?

Your treating physician or physical therapist will give you a referral if a gait analysis is needed. During the exercise sessions the physical therapists will assess your gait pattern and try to improve it together with you. If more aids are needed, you will be scheduled for a gait analysis.