You can complete the questionnaire in different ways.

  1. Via your mynexuzhealth account on the computer.
    Mynexuzhealth is the platform where you can access your medical record, as well as the preoperative questionnaire. Go to and log in. Click on "Questionnaires and diaries" at the top and complete the questionnaire. More information about mynexuzhealth can be found here
  2. Via the mynexuzhealth app on your smartphone or tablet.
    You can download the application from the app stores. In the application, go to "Questionnaires" and complete the questionnaire.
  3. Via the QR code on the letter you received from the doctor.
    Scan the QR code on the letter. You can start filling out the questionnaire right away.
  4. From the website listed on the letter you received from the doctor.
    Go to the website and use the code on the letter and your date of birth to log in. You can start filling out the questionnaire shortly.

Tips on completing the questionnaire:

  • All questions are mandatory to complete.
  • House icon: Use this icon to return to the overview screen with the different sections. A green check mark in front of a section indicates that this section is fully completed.
  • Save icon: Use this icon to save the questionnaire in the meanwhile. You have the option to partially complete the questionnaire and complete and submit it at a later time.
  • Don't forget to press "Submit" on the last page when the questionnaire is fully completed!


More information on this can be found under the your patient record.

There you will read more about how to access your digital patient record.
Know that you can also contact your general practitioner or attending doctor (during your stay in our hospital). 

You can also contact the ombuds person to get access to your patient record.

This option is also available to a patient's representative and, with permission, to the confidential adviser.

Relatives of a deceased patient may have access to his patient record if they can invoke valid reasons for doing so (e.g. tracing of family history ...). They will not be able to consult the patient record directly, but must designate a healthcare provider for this purpose (e.g. general practitioner). The latter can only consult the data directly related to the reasons invoked.

The fastest and easiest way is to fill out the online request form via the following link: digital request form for accessing patient records.

Are you unable to complete the form online? Then you can send the completed and signed request form together with the necessary certificates and a copy of your identity card to the ombudsperson:
This can also be sent by mail to: Sint-Trudo Ziekenhuis, Ombudsdienst, Diestersteenweg 100, BE-3800 Sint-Truiden

Your request will be forwarded to the appropriate responsible parties for further processing.

Within 15 days your request will be processed.

1. If you wish to inspect or obtain a copy of the record, you may also request it directly from the attending doctor, if necessary.

2. You have access to the medical and nursing data relating to the period mentioned in the application. The doctor's personal notes and data relating to third parties are not eligible for inspection or copying.

3. If you are making this request through a professional, they are entitled to see the personal notes of the health care provider.

4. In order to protect the patient's privacy, or when any harm is suspected in giving the information, the doctor may refuse inspection or a copy (in whole or in part) to the patient or his representative. In this case, the right of inspection may be exercised by a designated professional.

1. The patient himself/a designated confidant if mandated in writing to do so.

2. Both parents or guardian of a minor patient, or of an adult patient, who falls under the status of extended minority or incapacity, on presentation of a family composition or guardianship certificate.

3. A representative of the patient:

  • If this person has been previously mandated by the patient to exercise patient rights on his behalf, if and for as long as he is unable to do so himself, on presentation of a written mandate.
  • If the patient is de facto unable to exercise his patient rights himself and he has not mandated a representative, or if the representative does not act as such, then the rights shall be exercised by the cohabiting spouse or the legally or de facto cohabiting partner upon submission of an attestation of composition of family.
  • If this person does not wish to do so or is absent, the rights will be exercised, in descending order, by: an adult child, parent, adult brother or sister on presentation of proof of kinship.

4. A healthcare practitioner designated by the patient or his representative.

5. After the patient died, there is no right to a copy of the patient record, but there is an indirect right of access via a professional.




In this video, we explain (in dutch) two ways to monitor the baby (and mom) on the day you come into labour. 

The first method is when two buttons are placed on the belly of the mother, so we can register the baby's heart tones and the contractions.

The second method is an internal monitoring (stann). We can get a better registration of the heart tones and additional information about the baby's EKG.

The code card is one of several methods to log on This method is mainly used for non-Belgian patients who do not have a national registry number, only the EAD number. 

Do you as a foreign patient not have a Belgian National Registry number? Then you can request a code card through one of the following three options:

  1. Request a code card from your healthcare provider at the hospital.
  2. Contact the service desk of nexuzhealth via the contact form.
  3. Call the number +32 16 34 83 48. 

More information about the code card can be read here

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