For a day admission in the internal day hospital, an accompanying person may bring and pick up the patient to/from the entrance of the ward. Exceptions are possible, if the patient is a minor (-18 years), needy or incapacitated, the patient may bring one companion.

In the surgical day hospital, one visitor/escort is allowed to come with you during your day admission for surgery.

To ensure necessary rest, short visits are provided with a maximum of three people (over 12 years old) from 13h to 13h30 and from 18h to 18h30.

To visit a patient in the stroke unit, you can visit with a maximum of two visitors between 15h and 16h or between 18h and 19h.

Download the Internal Rules of the Ombuds Service.

A chaperone may come with you to the hospital to accompany you to your appointment. For an appointment with a child, both parents may come with you.

Children can react differently to anaesthesia. Patience is important here. After a short period of time, your child will become more aware of the environment again.

For the first few hours after the procedure, you should not give your child anything to drink or eat. The nurse will tell you when you can give some water. A little later the surgeon will come to the room and explain the course of the operation. He will give additional consultation and prescribe any medication. He will also prepare for you the forms related to school absences, circumstance leave or for your hospitalization insurance.

Early parenthood is an adventure full of love, but also mixed feelings and difficult moments. The period up to two years after the birth is particularly challenging. Sometimes you run out of oxygen and then the right support can really be a relief.

That's why Te Gek!? launched the "That's a relief" campaign in 2024. Take a look at the page below and learn more about how you can ask for support from those around you or a professional. This will give you more breathing space.

Read more about the campaign here

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